U.S. phone # 1-512-207-0505

Houses For Sale Kyiv. Please contact Pavel.

 U.S. phone # 1-512-207-0505



*Footnote:  Please take into account that all prices on this page are in local currency, UAH. The currency rate is 42.00 UAH for $1.00

►  Consultations

₴1000 UAH*

price per/hr


  • at the consultation we will analyze your situation (what you want to buy, sell, rent) and consider solutions to the issue
  • for buyers, we will conduct an overview of current prices on the market for the flats or houses for sale Kyiv, the advantages and disadvantages of locations for living or renting
  • for sellers we will make an express assessment of their property
  • define an action plan to resolve the issue if you want to see houses for sale Kyiv

         ►  Legal Support

  ₴1000 UAH*

          price per/hr


  • detailed explanation of the current legislation regarding real estate transactions, registration of ownership of housing, redevelopment or reconstruction of the object, etc.
  • identification of possible risks
  • explanations on taxation and settlements between the parties to the transaction
  • preparing instructions and guidance for step by step actions
  • assistance in solving complex issues involving lawyers and attorneys, concluding agreements, checking documents, etc. (payment depends on the amount of work)

► Houses, Flats, Offices




from monthly/daily price of real


estate one-off payment






  • search for rental objects in accordance with the needs and expectations of the customer
  • property viewing that meet customer criteria
  • negotiating with the owner of the property for favorable conditions of the client
  • assistance in checking documents, assisting in drafting and negotiating a lease agreement
  • in case of successful conclusion of the transaction, assistance in organizing moving to the property, etc


► Real Estate Sales /




of the real estate price

(flats, land or houses for sale Kyiv)



  • quick search of real estate objects meeting the client's criteria 
  • viewings arrangement or houses for sale Kyiv, visiting the facilities for inspection by the client
  • support in negotiations with the seller regarding the price and conditions of sale 
  • assistance with the collection of necessary documents and the preparation of the contract of sale 
  • coordination of all stages of the transaction between the parties to the transaction, including a notary and a bank 
  • assistance after the conclusion of the transaction: registration of documents, the opportunity to receive
  • recommendations for moving, property design and renovation, etc.


  • search for a buyer, advertisement of the real estate object and pre-sale preparation of all necessary documents for sale. Photo and video of the property if needed
  • showings and negotiations with potential buyers
  • agreement with the owner of all price offers
  • providing reports on the sale process, analysis of the situation and recommendations on further steps to the result
  • execution of the Preliminary Agreement
  • organization of the agreement at the notary.

U.S. phone #  1-512-207-0505


3, Mykoly Solovtsova st.

Office 15

Kyiv, Ukraine 

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